Lync PowerPack

06 Jun

Today I came across the Lync PowerPack which is part of the Microsoft Lync Adoption and Training Kit. This has some really cool features. My favorites are:

1. IM an Expert- Have you ever been working on something an needed to get a quick answer from an person in your company who is an expert in that subject matter? I know I have had to ask a few developers some questions. Wouldn’t it be nice to just send out one IM and not have to go to two or three people for the right answer? IM an expert handles the searching for you and gets the IM to the right person for the question

2. Tabbed Conversation- Before switching to Lync out company was using Live messenger and of of the cool things is that you could have all your conversations in one place. With Lync each conversation is in a new window. Not anymore. You can install this client side add-in and it puts them all in a tabbed view. One note about this one is that once you install it you have to go to the start menu and run the program once to get it working.

3. Conversation Translator- This is helpful is your company has people worldwide who don’t all speak the same language. Now Lync can translate for you.

4. Lync Custom Intranet Site- This is a great resource for the Lync Admin. Instead of having to answer questions from every user they can point people on one site that will help them all. Of coarse there will be some things that this won’t answer but it will answer the repeat questions.

There are a few other great tools that everyone should check out if you are running Lync. Most of these are client side tools and require nothing from the Lync admin, and that also means that they should be useable with hosted versions of Lync.

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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in IT


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